
时间:2025-01-10 08:37:57


good morning, my fellow students. i am very glad to give you a speech about stress.

psychologist tell us that stress is a state of worry caused by the problem of living , such as too much work or study , heavy responsibilities , and quickened pace of life .statistics show that stress comes from every detail in our life. financial problems, poor health, being laid off, may be the stress that most adults now suffering. as students in the university, we are also under our special stress. such as passing the college english test band four. and the things make us felt stressed may be our parent’s greater expectations on us that we could not reach. later, when we are likely to graduate, some other problems will also annoy us. as i see it, we will worry a lot about our ability to compete in the job market and how to use what we’ve learned at college in our future job.

the chief problem we should face to is our attitude towards stress .people usually says they cannot live in the sun except they escape from stress. it is unwelcome! yes, however .just image a world where stress does not exist and people lead their life in a very comfortable way. but is this kind of living condition as perfect as we hope? no. without stress, we may feel very satisfied with the current life but lack of interesting to discover new things .too much stress result in nothing except a countermarch of the society. no stress, no development. so a certain amount of stress is right and necessary.

it is a fact that stress really exists in the word. how to do with ourselves when stress suddenly breaks into our life? wave the white flag, give up, or just want to suicide as to put an end to everything … of cause not. we should try our best to release ourselves, such as to do sports, to take a rest and to learn to view these changes of life as challenges .it’s no use crying over spilt milk. only to accept what has happened can solve the problem.

well, i have to say i was under large stress three minutes before, but now i am here and have finished my speech. here is the last thing i want to add to my topic, face to it and overcome it. stress is also a piece of cake……


good morning, my fellow students. i am very glad to give you a speech about stress.psychologist tell us that stress is a state of worry caused by the problem of living , such as too much work or study , heavy responsibilities , and quickened pace of life .statistics show that stress comes from every detail in our life. financial problems, poor health, being laid off, may be the stress that most adults now suffering. as students in the university, we are also under our special stress. such as passing the college english test band four. and the things make us felt stressed may be our parent’s greater expectations on us that we could not reach. later, when we are likely to ……此处隐藏2980个字…… 大雨倾盆

prairie dog是“草原鼠”,而和“狗”无关。

lucky dog是“幸运儿”,而不是“幸运狗”。 you dirty dog 你这卑鄙的家伙,不是“脏狗” live a dog?s life是“过着牛马不如的生活”而不是“过狗样的生活”。

dragonfly是“蜻蜓”,而不是一种“飞龙” dragon's teeth 相互争斗的根源,不是一种“龙齿” firefly是“萤火虫”,而不是一种“苍蝇” don't teach fish to swim.是“切勿班门弄斧”,而不是“不要教鱼游泳”。

talk fish是“吹牛”,而不是“谈鱼”。

don't put horse before the cart.是“不要本末倒置”,而不是“别把马车套到马前面”。 horse sense常识(不是马的感觉)

lady bird 是“瓢虫”,而不是一种“太太鸟”。 guinea pig是“天竺鼠”.而不是一种“猪”。 dumb as an oyster是“守口如瓶”,而不是?不能说话的牡蛎”。

mall rat 喜欢逛购物中心的年轻人;

silk worm 蚕,不是“寄生主”,也不是“可怜虫” touch-me-not是“凤仙花”,而不是?“别碰我”。 forget-me-not 勿忘我

morning glory是“牵牛花”,而不是“早晨的光荣” douglas fir tree是一种“松树”,而和“ 枞树”无关。 peanut是“花生”,而不是“豆类”。

shortbread是“酥饼”,而不是一种“面包”。 banana tree是“香蕉树”,属“草本植物”,而和“树”无关

cast pearls before the swine 是“对牛弹琴”而不是“给猪扔珍珠”。


koala bear“考拉熊”,不是一种“熊”,而是一种有袋动物。

sweetbread是“胰脏”,而不是“面包”。 small potato是“小人物”,而不是“小土豆”。 big potato是“天人物”,而不是“大土豆”。 couch potato是“电视迷”,而不是“沙发土豆” the berries 绝妙的人、事,不是“草毒、西红柿”。


next of kin 是指近亲或家人 (closest relatives or anyone in the family)

fair-weather friend 酒肉朋友,指一些只能同安乐而不能共患难的朋友(being friend only during

favorable time)

an ugly customer难缠的家伙 wise guy自作聪明的人

a visiting fireman贵宾,重要访客 lover 情人(不是爱人)

busboy 餐馆勤杂工(不是公汽售票员) busybody 爱管闲事的人(不是大忙人) heart man 换心人(不是有心人)

mad doctor精神病科医生(不是发疯的医生) confidence man骗子(不是信得过的人) criminal lawyer 刑事律师(不是犯罪的律师) chocolate drop蔑称的“黑人”,不是“巧克力滴” jack leg是“外行”,而不是“杰克的腿”

jack-of-all-trades 多面手,不是“各行的杰克”。 a shrinking violet畏首畏尾的人

a backseat driver不在权限范围内而指手划脚的人

a wet blanket令人扫兴的人 a late bloomer大器晚成的人 an eager beaver工作卖力的人


sporting house 妓院(不是体育室)

dead president 美钞(不是死了的总统)

dry goods <美>纺织品 <英>谷物(不是干货) blind date(由第三者安排的)男女初次见面(并非盲目的约会或者是瞎约会)

personal remark人身攻击(并非个人评论) sweet water淡水(不是糖水或者甜水) service station加油站(不是服务站)

rest room厕所(不是休息室) dressing room化妆室(不是试衣间或者更衣室) capital idea 好主意(不是资本主义思想) familiar talk 庸俗的交谈(不是熟悉的谈话) pull ones leg 开玩笑(不是拉后腿)

in one?s birthday suit 赤身裸体(不是穿着生日礼服)

eat ones words 收回前言(不是食言) handwriting on the wall 不祥之兆(不是大字报) bring down the house 博得满堂喝彩(不是推倒房子)

have a fit 勃然大怒(不是试穿)

make ones hair stand on end 令人毛骨悚然,恐惧(不是令人发指,气愤)

be taken in 受骗,上当(不是被接纳) think a great deal of oneself 高看或者看重自己(不是为自己想的很多)

pull up ones socks 鼓起勇气(不是提上袜子) have the heart to do 用于否定句,忍心做(不是有心做或者有意做) lead pencil是“铅笔”,它是“石墨”做的,而和?“铅(lead )”无关

eat dirt是“忍辱”,而不是“吃土”。 shooting star“陨石”,而成是什么“星”。 friendly camera是“傻瓜照相机”.而不是“友好摄影机”。

funny bone是“麻骨”,指神经,而不是“骨”。 writing brush是“毛笔”,而不是“刷子”。 send in someone's jacket是“辞职”,而不是“送去某人的茄克”。

put down your jacket是“别激动”,而不是“领取你的茄克”。

by no means 绝不、无论如何都不,放句首时需倒装,如:by no means will i hurt her. 我绝不会伤害她的

every inch 十足地,容易误解为每一英寸,如:he is every inch a bastard. 他是个十足的混蛋 a fat chance 微小的机会,希望渺茫,容易因为fat而误解为机会很大

